
Trump's Potemkin Villages

You may want to read up on the story behind the Potemkin Villages, attributed to Grigory Potemkin in Russia ,  before you continue here. I am not sure #45 has heard about them, but I am sure he would love them. Everyday in office he is essentially building Potemkin Villages so that his followers think that he is delivering on the grandiose promises that he made before he got elected by a minority of the American people. Talk is cheap, and without any hesitation to spew lies all day he is trying to create a warped reality for his enthralled followers. It is amazing how humans can be fooled. I have to write a page about our human nature that is exploited by the con artists of the world. If you ever submitted a petition to the White House you probably also get their daily propaganda emails. Today on Halloween 2019 they send out an email titled "A Halloween impeachment hoax—and other spooky stories". I will take the liberty to copy some of their material below in bold and then insert my commentary (non-bold in between) to show you the propaganda that they are spewing into our mailboxes:
The first act of House Democrats’ impeachment sham operated in secret, depriving President Donald J. Trump of the due process rights entitled to every American citizen. (By keeping the interview with various witnesses private the investigators prevent that witnesses adjust their testimony to be free of contradictions with each other. So the secrecy is required to spot the lies in the testimony of witnesses who shade the truth to make their own misconduct appear in a better light! In grand jury proceedings the defendant has no right to listen to any of the testimony.) Today, Democrats moved into phase two of their phony inquiry—and continue to leave both the American people and the White House in the dark. (As far as I have been following this process the House is trying to shine light on the corrupt actions of the White House, and the White House is stonewalling to keep the country in the dark.)
“We don’t [even] know the rules yet, for the White House,” Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told Fox News today. “Are we even going to get to be involved? I don’t think so. (There have been many attempts to get the White House involved by requesting witnesses, but they stonewall). It’s my understanding that we’re not going to get to defend ourselves until it goes to the Judiciary Committee—and that’s not how it works in America.” (After sharing a confession with everybody it is difficult to defend the corrupt actions. "I would like you to do us a favor though ..." together with all the details that are known at this point leave little doubt about the quid-pro-quo.)
At this point it looks like the Trump Administration is spinning in the accelerating gyro of the golden toilet. The question is not if they will go down, but when. How many spins of the spinners will we have to watch before they vanish down the drain? Time will tell. The mills of justice grind slowly but surely.
At a very basic level Trump never understood the basic requirements of his job. His task was to ensure that the laws of the United States get faithfully executed. That requires respect for the laws, and an interest to understand them. He works for the American people. All people, in all colors, shapes, forms, and cultures. He keeps repeating that article two of the constitution lets him do what he wants as if he was a king for 4 years. He did not show respect to the president before him as we saw when he kept fanning the birther myth about President Obama. Every day Trump disrespects all Americans and his Office with his incessant lying.
Many Republicans called him out as unqualified for the office that he is now squatting on. That was pretty easy to see. But after he got unexpectedly elected with the help of the Russians, and James Comey, and Cambridge Analytica most Republicans fell in line and followed the leader of the lemmings as they hoped to gain tax cuts and conservative judges.  
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