Fellow Christians,
Those of us who truly follow Jesus are motivated by our deep love to him and his teachings. We passionately study and interpret the scriptures in the Bible that describe his amazing live. His actions as related in the Bible then become a powerful guide to understand Gods plan and become more like him. In the Sermon on the Mount (Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7), he shares a message of radical love, compassion, and selflessness. He encourages us to love our enemies, to forgive others, and to care for the poor and marginalized. If all of humanity followed in Jesus’ footsteps, I am sure that we would be able to enjoy a life of tranquility and general welfare as the Constitution of the United States wants to provide.
Donald Trump also has led and still is leading an amazing life among, or above us. A very good argument can be made that God sent him to us so that we can become better Christians and Citizens. One of the amazing gifts that Donald Trump bestowed on us was that he connected the US Constitution and the Bible in the Trump Bible. I see a great opportunity that by carefully and lovingly studying Donald Trump’s life and the Constitution similarly to how we study the Bible we can return on a path to a more perfect Union. I believe God sent Donald Trump to encourage us to inject disinfectant into our society and shine a very powerful light inside of its corrupted body to heal it from the inside. This should remind you of Mr. Trumps suggestion on how we could fight the Corona virus. His proposal may not have been sane or practical in a scientific sense in that context. But if we transfer the thought to the rot and disease in our society and international relationships such a prescription makes sense.
Positive and negative examples are both powerful teaching tools. When God sent Jesus he used a positive teaching strategy. Jesus’ example was so powerful in the personal encounter with the people he met that from a very small group it reached and converted a large proportion of humanity to profess to follow him. Looking at this amazingly successful influencer story after 2000 years, God might think that the essence of the message was good and aligned with humans’ deepest needs. But he would also have to realize that the desire of many individuals to gain power over others, and to amass worldly treasures still left a lot of corrupt behavior. How else could he explain that many church leaders would turn a blind eye to horrible abuse of the most vulnerable who were entrusted to their care? This observation might have motivated God to try a negative teaching approach when he sent us Donald Trump. Since the carrot did not get humanity all the way to its manifest destiny, maybe a stick might work to complete God’s vision. In that sense I can appreciate how God created a caricature of an unprincipled, selfish and evil-behaving person to provoke our thoughts and challenge our complacency with the status quo.
It should only require a few simple rules for a small group of people to live together in peace. “Don’t do to others what you don’t want to have done to yourself” can be found in the Analects of Confucius and is often referred to as the “Golden Rule”. In the Old Testament we find the Ten Commandments which are a set of simple rules that are important to maintain peace and tranquility. In the Book of Exodus, it is established that the punishment should match the injury. Take an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, … This is an old and good rule that prevents a spiral of violence in a conflict where each side wants to extract a larger punishment than the injury that it suffered. After the injury is matched the conflict can stop. We are even!
Modern society has also codified rules how to wage war “just”. There must be a proportionality between the military objective and the number of innocent lives that are sacrificed to achieve it. We have all had the recent opportunity to hear how this rule is mentioned by the lawyers of the powerful nations to justify the action of dropping 2000-pound bombs on a population of millions confined to a few square miles. In the tally of injury and death the result is that tens of thousands of lives are taken for a thousand lives. The ancient people who believed in Exodus would be horrified if they time-traveled to a time where humans appear ready to work on time traveling technology. In its humanity, Humanity has been backsliding substantially in modern days to a level of cruelty even before the days when the Book of Exodus was written. Humans have been on an amazing innovation journey of killing technology while at the same time creating a legal framework to justify the unjustifiable. MIGHT MAKES RIGHT! Legal innovation and word trickery takes essential Justice away.
When God looks at the Superpower that supplies the 2000-pound bombs in the above example and claims to be guided by Christian values he must be shocked if he compares the deeds with Jesus’ teaching of de-escalation in the Sermon on the Mount:
“You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. ' But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matthew 5:38-39 RSV).
We write “In God we trust” on our currency. Thinking about the above, I doubt that God trusts US. Promoting and using Crypto currency, essentially a scam if you listened to the 45th President Trump, is an acknowledgment that the US lost God’s path a long time ago. Now the scammers are on a roll. The 47th President Trump increased his net worth by billions of Dollars when he created $Trump and $Melania meme coins on the Solana Blockchain three days before assuming power. Could a more perfect instrument of corruption be created? I doubt it. We the people would likely not even complain if he created a $Emoluments Coin or a $Trump-Pardon Coin! If God wanted to create a caricature of corruption to highlight the weaknesses in the US Constitution and in international laws and rules, he could not have created a better Orange Highlighter than Donald Trump. And Trump told us that he was saved by God. And he never lies. We should start to believe him. I do. And realize that God has pivoted from sending us a positive example to follow to an example that shows what not to do. When the carrots don’t work it is time for the Orange Stick.
If we claim to be Christians’, we should go back to ask ourselves: “What would Jesus do?” Or if we have forgotten what Jesus did, we could also follow a path of “Do what Donald Trump does not do”.
We now have a President who literally fights windmills and paper straws. Does anybody think about Don Quixote? Laws and the Constitution are not even speed bumps on the run-away train. There is no emergency brake for a runaway Executive Branch without executive function. To help fight fire in LA the Orange Highlighter ordered to release water from reservoirs that do not even connect to LA but threaten to inundate some agricultural areas. The execution of the orders of madness also has no executive function. Water that could be used in the future to grow valuable crops is instead wasted.
The interesting question to me is how far madness must explode until people realize they are getting punked. I LOVE GOD’S SENSE OF HUMOR!
Evolution has a few hundred million years left to find and develop intelligence on Earth. It may come from a different branch of evolution. Homo sapiens are rapidly sawing off theirs by creating Artificial Intelligence without even noticing the peril.
Godspeed Humanity! We are all at a Fork in the road. When will we realize we are sliding down on the wrong branch?