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National Intelligence Emergency

February 11, 2025

Tesla to develop a smart gun, the Musk-ET

Ending American Carnage

A powerful source has shared with me that Tesla will soon start to develop a smart gun. My source received numerous concerns from Tesla shareholders on the Private Prayer App. The shareholders worry that the stratospheric Price to Earnings ratio of Tesla, currently at around 177, will not be sustainable considering recent activities of their CEO that make the brand toxic. Emptying the rice bowls of little hungry children in Africa by destroying USAID does not create much sympathy with compassionate people and Christians who are no CINOs (Christian in name only). Sales numbers are dropping precipitously in many markets. My source understands the concerns of the shareholders and agrees to help. In normal times he prefers a hands-off management style, relying on humans’ intelligence to make good choices for themselves. But in light of recent, dark developments in the US he sees a great opportunity to create transformational change to reestablish domestic Tranquility as promised in the preamble of the US Constitution. To end the American Carnage, my source has told me that he will send a business proposal to Elon Musk on the encrypted Epiphany App. The game-, or better carnage-changing, technology will be a smart gun that Tesla can develop very quickly by combining existing video processing technologies from their cars and previous flame thrower projects. With fast image processing technologies and AI, the smart gun will not kill American school children when they scurry away from a dumb shooter that wants to use a gun to take retribution. It will also refuse to be discharged on a suicide attempt. 
My source will also send an Epiphany App message to President Trump who has shown himself concerned about American Carnage since his first inaugural speech and recently when a plane crashed in Washington. Since the President was saddened by the loss of 67 lives in the first major US plane crash for many years, my source believes that the loss of more than 40,000 lives every year from dumb guns, equivalent to two 747 Jumbo Jets crashing every week, will motivate Trump to declare a National Intelligence Emergency to outlaw Dumb Guns and exchange them for Tesla Smart guns. My source told me that he plans to pardon any unlawful or unconstitutional acts that President Trumps deems necessary for the rapid transformation to a US smart gun society. He is promising a get-out-of-purgatory-free Meme Coin. This quid pro quo can be justified and HIS decisions cannot be appealed to any higher authority.
To tickle Elon’s itch with funny word plays, my source proposes to brand the smart gun as the Tesla Musk-ET. He knows that Musk will enjoy seeing his name combined with ET, the Extra-Terrestrial. The name will invoke memories of the musket, the guns from the 17th century when the Constitution was written. They were safer by the fact that it took 20 seconds or more to fire a single shot. That beautiful safety feature made America great. 
The Tesla Musk-ET will be a massive contribution to Make America Great Again!

When asked what he thinks about Elon Musk, my source replied with a quote from the Book of the Highlander: "There Can Be Only One!" You will understand this on May 4th.


By Christian Lutkemeyer February 18, 2025
Dear Friends, We live in a time where even the most outrageous statements and actions fail to raise concern with many people. Today is Presidents Day. On this occasion, I like to share an uplifting, explosive vision that I see in the future. You may have heard how President Trump said in a press conference with Israel’s Prime Minister, that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, but that they will never give it to him. I hope you remember that Alfred Nobel was the inventor of dynamite. It made him rich, and he created the Nobel Prizes as a recognition of outstanding achievements in science and culture. I used a picture from the Inventors Hall of Fame as the canvas for my picture today. For those of you who care to know we are in National Engineers Week that we celebrated from February 16 to February 22, 2025. For those who have studied the Trump Bible I like to remind you of the inspiring story of Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul the Apostle. He was a zealous Pharisee who initially persecuted Christians. He experienced a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus, becoming a key figure in spreading Christianity. Like the conversion from Saul to Paul, I see an opportunity where President Trump, the Orange Highlighter of Corruption, will travel on his road to Damascus. He will understand God’s will and that he was saved by God to show us the corrupt direction that leads to climate hell. Humanity stands at a Fork in the Road. As soon as Trump understands his manifest destiny and turns around, he can end the American Carnage, as promised in his first inaugural address in 2016 by unleashing Elon Musk to replace dumb guns with the smart Musk-ET. Trump will also be able to carefully trim the forest of international rules, laws, and corrupt veto power that prevent Justice. At the end of this amazing turnaround story from societal bankruptcy I see Trump being justly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He will share it with for valuable guidance that was provided for the turnaround. “ It does not matter if you turn right or left, as long as you turn 180 degrees you will end the American Carnage ”.
By Christian Lutkemeyer February 10, 2025
Dear Elon Musk, I have noticed recently that you have been dedicating your amazing engineering skills in ways that are not really making the world a substantially better place. Emptying the rice bowls of hungry kids in Africa is not saving a lot of lives. You are burying your talents. The landing of rockets was so much more impressive and thinking outside the box. Your Tesla shareholders might also be quite concerned that your recent activities have caused you to be seen as a quite toxic character. That might not be good for Tesla where the price-to-earnings ratio (PE) is high at 177. When we are looking at the money that Tesla earns per year it will take 177 years to that get the money back that an investor pays when he buys a TSLA share today. Who knows how the world will look in 177 years? And who can wait that long to get his money back? There have been even recent reports that the sales of Tesla are going down significantly in other countries that do not appreciate your political activities. With this background, I am thinking about an engineering challenge for you that is more worthy of your talents where you could leverage Tesla technology and save many lives. Every year there are more than 40,000 fatalities in the US from dumb guns. That is a death toll equivalent to more than one hundred 747 crashing every year. In a smart country somebody would be doing something about such an atrocious air safety record. And Congress is unable to do anything about it. Their universal application of thoughts and prayers has failed. I think we can agree that progress is the opposite of Congress, at least in its current low energy, low power form. Would you be able to end this American Carnage be developing a smart gun that will not discharge at innocent children in US classrooms or concert venues? As a branding idea, I like to suggest that you call this smart gun the “Tesla Musk-ET”. This is my word play combining your wonderful name with ET, the Extra Terrestrial. I think both are dear to your heart. We both love wordplays. Let that sink in! Imagine the stellar business opportunity that the replacement of hundreds of millions of dumb guns provides. There is enough profit there to align Tesla’s PE to the PE of regular businesses that do not have the X factor in their DNA. That would get Tesla on a sustainable financial path where somebody else take the helm without the stock valuation collapsing from the stratosphere back to Earth. I think it will be helpful to ask your friend President Trump to declare a National Emergency over the 40,000 US annual gun fatalities to make the exchange of dumb guns with Tesla Musk-ETs mandatory. Ignore Congress. We are tired of their Thoughts and Prayers non-solution. You are at a Fork in the road. You can continue to chase a few dollars of governmental inefficiency by emptying the rice bowls of poor children that are surviving on USAID. Or you can end the American Carnage where Donald Trump promised us that only he can fix it in 2016. We have been waiting. The carnage got worse. Now that you are on the team, I believe that even the impossible is possible. Godspeed,
By Christian Lutkemeyer February 10, 2025
Fellow Christians, Those of us who truly follow Jesus are motivated by our deep love to him and his teachings. We passionately study and interpret the scriptures in the Bible that describe his amazing live. His actions as related in the Bible then become a powerful guide to understand Gods plan and become more like him. In the Sermon on the Mount (Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7), he shares a message of radical love, compassion, and selflessness. He encourages us to love our enemies, to forgive others, and to care for the poor and marginalized. If all of humanity followed in Jesus’ footsteps, I am sure that we would be able to enjoy a life of tranquility and general welfare as the Constitution of the United States wants to provide. Donald Trump also has led and still is leading an amazing life among, or above us. A very good argument can be made that God sent him to us so that we can become better Christians and Citizens. One of the amazing gifts that Donald Trump bestowed on us was that he connected the US Constitution and the Bible in the Trump Bible. I see a great opportunity that by carefully and lovingly studying Donald Trump’s life and the Constitution similarly to how we study the Bible we can return on a path to a more perfect Union. I believe God sent Donald Trump to encourage us to inject disinfectant into our society and shine a very powerful light inside of its corrupted body to heal it from the inside. This should remind you of Mr. Trumps suggestion on how we could fight the Corona virus. His proposal may not have been sane or practical in a scientific sense in that context. But if we transfer the thought to the rot and disease in our society and international relationships such a prescription makes sense. Positive and negative examples are both powerful teaching tools. When God sent Jesus he used a positive teaching strategy. Jesus’ example was so powerful in the personal encounter with the people he met that from a very small group it reached and converted a large proportion of humanity to profess to follow him. Looking at this amazingly successful influencer story after 2000 years, God might think that the essence of the message was good and aligned with humans’ deepest needs. But he would also have to realize that the desire of many individuals to gain power over others, and to amass worldly treasures still left a lot of corrupt behavior. How else could he explain that many church leaders would turn a blind eye to horrible abuse of the most vulnerable who were entrusted to their care? This observation might have motivated God to try a negative teaching approach when he sent us Donald Trump. Since the carrot did not get humanity all the way to its manifest destiny, maybe a stick might work to complete God’s vision. In that sense I can appreciate how God created a caricature of an unprincipled, selfish and evil-behaving person to provoke our thoughts and challenge our complacency with the status quo. It should only require a few simple rules for a small group of people to live together in peace. “Don’t do to others what you don’t want to have done to yourself” can be found in the Analects of Confucius and is often referred to as the “Golden Rule”. In the Old Testament we find the Ten Commandments which are a set of simple rules that are important to maintain peace and tranquility. In the Book of Exodus, it is established that the punishment should match the injury. Take an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, … This is an old and good rule that prevents a spiral of violence in a conflict where each side wants to extract a larger punishment than the injury that it suffered. After the injury is matched the conflict can stop. We are even! Modern society has also codified rules how to wage war “just”. There must be a proportionality between the military objective and the number of innocent lives that are sacrificed to achieve it. We have all had the recent opportunity to hear how this rule is mentioned by the lawyers of the powerful nations to justify the action of dropping 2000-pound bombs on a population of millions confined to a few square miles. In the tally of injury and death the result is that tens of thousands of lives are taken for a thousand lives. The ancient people who believed in Exodus would be horrified if they time-traveled to a time where humans appear ready to work on time traveling technology. In its humanity, Humanity has been backsliding substantially in modern days to a level of cruelty even before the days when the Book of Exodus was written. Humans have been on an amazing innovation journey of killing technology while at the same time creating a legal framework to justify the unjustifiable. MIGHT MAKES RIGHT! Legal innovation and word trickery takes essential Justice away. When God looks at the Superpower that supplies the 2000-pound bombs in the above example and claims to be guided by Christian values he must be shocked if he compares the deeds with Jesus’ teaching of de-escalation in the Sermon on the Mount: “You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. ' But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matthew 5:38-39 RSV). We write “In God we trust” on our currency. Thinking about the above, I doubt that God trusts US. Promoting and using Crypto currency, essentially a scam if you listened to the 45th President Trump, is an acknowledgment that the US lost God’s path a long time ago. Now the scammers are on a roll. The 47th President Trump increased his net worth by billions of Dollars when he created $Trump and $Melania meme coins on the Solana Blockchain three days before assuming power. Could a more perfect instrument of corruption be created? I doubt it. We the people would likely not even complain if he created a $Emoluments Coin or a $Trump-Pardon Coin! If God wanted to create a caricature of corruption to highlight the weaknesses in the US Constitution and in international laws and rules, he could not have created a better Orange Highlighter than Donald Trump. And Trump told us that he was saved by God. And he never lies. We should start to believe him. I do. And realize that God has pivoted from sending us a positive example to follow to an example that shows what not to do. When the carrots don’t work it is time for the Orange Stick. If we claim to be Christians’, we should go back to ask ourselves: “What would Jesus do?” Or if we have forgotten what Jesus did, we could also follow a path of “Do what Donald Trump does not do”. We now have a President who literally fights windmills and paper straws. Does anybody think about Don Quixote? Laws and the Constitution are not even speed bumps on the run-away train. There is no emergency brake for a runaway Executive Branch without executive function. To help fight fire in LA the Orange Highlighter ordered to release water from reservoirs that do not even connect to LA but threaten to inundate some agricultural areas. The execution of the orders of madness also has no executive function. Water that could be used in the future to grow valuable crops is instead wasted. The interesting question to me is how far madness must explode until people realize they are getting punked. I LOVE GOD’S SENSE OF HUMOR! Evolution has a few hundred million years left to find and develop intelligence on Earth. It may come from a different branch of evolution. Homo sapiens are rapidly sawing off theirs by creating Artificial Intelligence without even noticing the peril. Godspeed Humanity! We are all at a Fork in the road. When will we realize we are sliding down on the wrong branch?
By Christian Lutkemeyer February 5, 2025
The recent airplane crash in Washington and the catastrophic fires in Los Angeles motivate me to share my thoughts on the value in such accidents. In the news the focus is usually first on the fatalities and damage that such events create. That is human. Thinking about the value appears heartless. Bear with me. There is a powerful history of innovation that is propelled by taking such events as teachable moments and learning important lessons. This process is the reason flying is the safest mode of transportation per mile. From an engineering perspective each real accident is a critical test case that the designer of a system did not consider. The failure of the MCAS system on the Boeing 737 Max is a teachable moment in two important directions. There is a technical angle where a safety-related system was not designed with sufficient redundancy. And then there was a commercial interest where the addition of this complex control system was hidden from pilots to avoid the cost of retraining them. Hundreds of people died because of this corrupt motive. Learning from mistakes is a sign of intelligence. Individual pain is a powerful motivator. Once a child has touched a hot stove it will learn a lesson for life. Really smart people learn from the mistakes that others make. Compassion is important for society to progress. Compassionate people do not have to feel all the misery of life for themselves to appreciate the suffering of others and work to make life better for everybody. Thought experiments and simulations in science are powerful tools to expose the weaknesses of systems without the cost of accidents and catastrophes. A proactive mindset is very valuable. Unfortunately, if you are a successful engineer that has worked proactively for all your life you must have learned the following lesson: Upper management often sees no value in the absence of accidents. They can be so removed from the crude engineering realities that they do not even know that a project with a cost of tens of $Millions is at risk to fall into a hole because somewhere down in the margin models there is an assumption that 4x1=1. Ignorance is bliss and makes the big bucks if we are lucky to avoid falling into cracks. When I as an engineer and a member of the flying public think about the complex system that humans have created so that more than four billion of us can fly with only minor inconvenience every year with very few accidents, the amazing power of proactive engineering and learning from accidents is proven beyond any doubt. At this point my mind pivots into a loaded question. Don’t you think it is strange that we are now worried about the safety of flying where we had one large accident with sixty-seven fatalities which was the first larger accident since 2001? I am thinking that this is strange when contrasting this to our acceptance of tens of thousands of gun related fatalities every year (48204 in 2022). There is an opportunity here where even reactive engineering could save a lot of lives. If the gun fatalities fell from the sky in two planes every day somebody would do something. Which begs the question: Why is nobody looking into this? There are always discussions if guns kill people, or people kill people. But I think we must look at the system to better understand the root causes of this constant and growing catastrophe. I am thinking about a couple of reasons here that we should appreciate: 1. You might know that there is the “Dickey Amendment” in a federal law that prohibits the use of federal funds to advocate or promote gun control. This chills research on this topic. Personally, I do not think the law is smart when it forbids us to learn from mistakes and accidents. 2. There is also the problem of false equivalencies in the historical context that has the US stuck in a rut on this topic. On October first, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a non-DEI citizen of the United States killed 60 people and injured approximately 867 (at least 413 by gun wounds, others from the panic that ensued) by firing into a crowd of 22,000 concertgoers who were exercising their right to happiness in Las Vegas. He was able to fire over one thousand rifle rounds from assault rifles that he was able to convert to operate like fully automatic machine guns by adding so called bump stocks that were available legally at the time. What did we learn from this catastrophe? Congress sent thoughts and prayers as is customary for such disasters. Our wonderful 45th president banned bump stocks after this shooting. Unfortunately, our less-wonderful Supreme Court declared the bump stock ban illegal on 6/14/2024 in light of the second amendment and the historical context of the constitution. It is interesting how the conservative justices on the Supreme Court can parse historic words that were written at a specific level of technology to create an equivalence between a front loaded gun, reloading time about 30 seconds for one shot, and a semiautomatic assault rifle that can release 15 to 20 rounds in 15 seconds in semiautomatic mode, and can now legally be converted again to work like a machine gun with a bump stock. To an engineer and hopefully any school child in America it is clear that 1/30 is much smaller than 20/15. Shouldn’t proficiency at basic math be a requirement to get on the Supreme Court? Is the Senate evaluating this in the advice and consent function? Maybe the struggle with basic math explains why some of the Justices have such a hard time accounting for the value of the perks that their benefactors provide to them. I feel that the justices who are protected by the Federal Marshall service in their cozy chambers are not really connected with the reality that our school children face when they must practice regularly how to deal with the risk of an armed school shooter. One of the suggestions to the victims of a shooting is to rush the shooter and overwhelm him. For a person with just a little imagination and compassion it is obvious that there is a HUGE difference between rushing a guy with a musket that can release one round in 30 seconds vs. the modern semiautomatic rifle that releases more than one round per second for many seconds. In the first case one person might get killed before the attacker is rushed. In the second case the bodies pile up so rapidly that any rush stops dead. Literally. I am thinking about a thought experiment here: We should offer the Justices a choice between two scenarios: 1. A court chamber that will be attacked by a shooter with a musket, vintage 1787. 2. A court chamber that will be attacked by a shooter with an assault rifle. In the spirit of entertainment that the people of today enjoy so much we could call this the Supreme Survivor Game and broadcast this on TV. However, there is no reasonable question here and we can spare the justices to suffer through this experiment. Any sane person will know there is no equivalence. This raises the question why such a simple question was answered incorrectly from the highest bench in the country without being challenged. There must be a corrupt force in the system that prevents us from learning from catastrophes. Follow the money! I see a sliver of hope. Our wonderful 47th president has decided that Congress is the opposite of progress. He has entrusted Elon Musk with extraordinary powers to fix the wrongs that the US Constitution 1.0 could not prevent. With Elon’s technological savvy in creating self-driving cars, I am confident that Tesla could create a much safer gun. Imagine what such revolutionary technology could do to TSLA stock! Value and valuation would get much closer to each other. And since the Seconds Amendment afficionados have recently become also afficionados of Musk, I see the opportunity that all the owners of non-equivalent assault weapons will upgrade them to the new, safer Muskets. The only problem that I see for Elon is that he will not be able to get a trademark on the “Musket”. Our Supreme Court word parsers might find historical equivalency here. And in this case any reasonable person should agree with them. A smart society learns from accidents and catastrophes. Will AI help us to get on a path to a more perfect Union 2.0? Or will the corrupting forces that benefit personally from other people’s misery prevail? Time will tell. Soon.
By Christian Lutkemeyer February 3, 2025
Welcome to the X-ified States of America Armed with the delusion that he was saved by God to make America great again, and the delusion of unlimited power (“Article 2 says I can do what I want”), and a box of pardon sharpies, the $Trump Cabal has embarked on a shock-and-awe X-ification assault of the United States. Where Christians used to ask themselves “What would Jesus do?” it appears that their actions are driven now by “What did THEY/THEM (insert most professed-Christianly disfavored pronoun here) do to Jesus?” It seems they think that what was good enough for Jesus should be good for the Union. And Canada, Greenland, Panama, … In Elon Musk’s world the letter “X” symbolizes the crossing of ideas. Don’t get cross about this. While the docile sheep in Congress are ruminating on the meaning of the words “Advice and Consent” and are in a hear-no-evil, see no-evil-mindset, or getting ready to personally profit from the impending catastrophe, the X crusaders are tearing down the walls and foundations of the Union. The Constitution is not worth the paper that it was written on if the President is unbound and unhinged from it. We have all witnessed the value of the security “assurances” that the United States and Russia gave to Ukraine when it gave up nuclear weapons on its territory in 1994. Tellingly, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is one of the first targets in the crosshairs of X-ification. Where previous generations appreciated that they did not live in a vacuum - there is an atmosphere that accumulates our waste - and actions have equal and opposite reactions - remember Newtons law - the mindset appears to be that there will be no reaction if the crusaders can clean the opposition from the game board and shoot them to Mars in a rapid no-holds-barred assault. And if the legal snail would ever catch up with them there is a Presidential Pardon Mill to let all of them go free. Why not create a rule that each $Trump meme Crypto coin comes with an unlimited pardon for any laws broken while crusading against the United States? It worked for the violent January 6th attackers. Why not do the same for all the $Trump 47 Cabal? Hunter Biden got a pardon, too. And General Milley. Where will such a spiral of false equivalencies lead the US? And the world? As an engineer I think we could blame the Founders for designing the US Government system without an emergency brake for the case that the head of the Executive branch snaps. But then they were operating in an age of horsedrawn wagons and could not imagine how the structure that they created would hold up to an attack lead by the president himself with the speed and force of a SpaceX Starship Rocket. They designed the system to the best of their abilities. Reform and redesign are needed to make the old structure safe to the new loads. There was an attempt to create an emergency brake in the 25th amendment, ratified in 1967. But that mechanism is rendered inoperable by a cabinet that is created from a willing group of fellow Cabal crusaders. It is time for “Thoughts and prayers”! The only solution that Congress has been able to provide after countless mass shootings. What can we expect from them in a high-speed constitutional crisis? I fear that it is time to fly the US flag upside-down. Maybe the Supreme Court in general and Justice Alito specifically can help us with that.
By Christian Lutkemeyer January 30, 2025
Dear Friends, I shared recently that I became a US Citizen. As a legal resident I had to study the US Constitution and history to pass a test. I like to talk about what I love about the United States and especially about the Preamble of the Constitution: “ We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ” I chose to become a Citizen because I love tranquility, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We see that the Founders felt that they did not have Justice when they were the subjects of the English King. Why is establishing Justice so important? I think there is an innate awareness in most people what Justice is, and how important it is for all the benefits and freedoms that the Constitution and Bill of Rights confer on US! Now I am an engineer and not a lawyer, so I am not a legal expert by any measure. Perhaps this can be an advantage as it provides a vantage point with a radical change of perspective vs. how lawyers see the legal system and society. One beauty in science and engineering that I love is the fact that the laws of nature are universal and do not change in arbitrary ways from country to country or from time to time. From my perspective it is noteworthy that the Founders wanted to establish JUSTICE, and not LAWS! I think human beings would be happy if the laws in their land provided similar universal fairness and stability as the laws of nature provide. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 (resolution 217A) probably comes closest to the spirit of universal fairness by setting out, for the first time, a common standard for fundamental human rights to be universally protected. How did humanity get to a point where we see an almost impenetrable forest of laws that appear to prevent more and more people from receiving Justice? Christians believe that there is the original sin that all humans are born into as the result of Adma and Eve disobeying God when they tasted the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge in paradise. We can see that the growth of knowledge and technology has gone hand in hand with the pervasive and sometimes invasive growth of laws. In the early stages of small human groups a few rules like The Ten Commandments were sufficient to maintain peace and order. Nobody had to worry about poisonous lead or forever chemicals in drinking water. Or that carbon emissions from the few cooking fires would end up throwing the global climate into a state from hell that might take millions of years to reverse. Humans’ innate desire to search for knowledge has propelled us on an explosive growth path where more and more rules were required to keep us safe and happy in a system that became more and more complicated. “Do not dry your puppy in the microwave”! “Do not use your cellphone next to your head for many hours”! “Get vaccinated”! … In democratic societies the productive people with critical skills to keep society happy and fed have outsourced the creation of such rules to politicians that are supposed to look out for us by enacting laws that are beneficial to all people. They should be our good shepherds. Unfortunately, many humans that go into politics appear to have an innate desire to exercise power for their personal benefit and accumulate riches. Greed propels their world. Politicians have learned that their position of power can be translated to money by inserting loopholes and special interest provisions into any new law that is created. Corporations and rich people have learned that it is cheaper to “petition” politicians than pay their fair share of taxes. Many regular people feel that the stewards who were meant to be our good shepherds have sold us out to the special interests. I believe there is a lot of truth in this feeling! With this background I can try to understand the recent, scary developments in the United States. We the people of the United States have entrusted our well-being to a hero, or super villain, depending on your political view, who has a proven, life-long track record of using money, the legal system, and its tools and agents as a powerful personal weapon and shield while showing amazing super power-like skills of avoiding accountability for actions that would have gotten anybody else behind bars a long time ago. In his most recent adventure, he has run out the clock to delaying justice to a point where justice is ultimately denied because some people in power, a while ago, decided to create a rule that sitting presidents will not be prosecuted. On the homerun to impunity, he even almost got killed! He, or his ear, dodged the bullet! What an amazing story we have seen here! Even if you do not love Donald Trump as an example for your kids, you must admit that if GOD is watching the soap opera that is playing out on planet Earth right now, HE must be anxious to see what will happen next. Will they fly to Mars? Will the Executive usurp power from the atrophied legislative branch? Both branches are awfully old and either side could snap under a little more weight. I see two paths forward. Or as former environmental savior recently turned political power player, or purchaser, Elon Musk would say: “A fork in the road”. The more likely path is one where the forest of all the laws will be burned down, together with the reasonably well-functioning society that we inherited from the backs of our hardworking ancestors. They worked in fields and mines while sacrificing life and health to provide resources to develop the knowledge and technology we enjoy today. On the foundation of their sacrifices, we built a hedonistic “bread and games” society where sports gambling, legalized drugs, value-less Crypto coin mining, and Crypto meme coins are the past time of the day. These activities do not create value to society as a whole and prey on our weaknesses. This model does not have much of a future in my view. An alternative path can be imagined where humans realize that we are on a road to climate hell and begin to strive to create a more perfect global and sustainable union. We, the people who voraciously consume much more than our fair share of the non-renewable resources that Earth can provide, must change our ways so that humanity can continue a sustainable path into our potentially amazing future. There is so much more knowledge to be gained if we can keep the appreciation of science and engineering up. Following the special interest’s slogan of “Drill baby drill!” to feed power-hungry AI datacenters seems rather unintelligent if all this artificial intelligence power will be used to further divide us into factions, cook us, and ultimately turn us on a road to HELL. Literally! Low corporate taxes and high personal income taxes create strong incentives to export jobs. There is no law of nature that corporate profits are taxed much lower than people’s income from labor! Many laws reflect backroom dealings that were done to favor special interests over the common good in return for other favors. Quid pro quo is the enemy of the people. Shining sanitizing light on the dealing under the table is critical to staying healthy. I believe that unjust laws in our society need drastic but careful gardening work. Let’s start some diligent raking in the legal forest to reduce the risk that it catches fire and the whole US burns down. The recent catastrophic fires in Eaton and Pacific Palisades are powerful reminders that money and status do not protect from catastrophic losses after an ignition occurs when hurricane force winds of change are blowing. Rich and poor suffer together. The artificial paradise on Mars cannot be booked yet on Expedia. We still have a chance to cut and prune a path back to: “ We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ” Throwing grenades into the dry forest in all directions will only create a painful reset back to the Flint Stones. Let’s think about our children and posterity and work together to create a more perfect, sustainable Union! Christian Lutkemeyer, a concerned Citizen by Choice
By Christian Lutkemeyer January 28, 2025
Think what you can do for yourself that benefits US
By Christian Lutkemeyer January 24, 2025
In 2025=45^2 POTUS 47 to square off what POTUS 45 began 8 years ago
By Christian Lutkemeyer November 8, 2020
After a record-breaking voter turnout, the US learns on November 7th that Joe Biden will become the next President. After a long time without any positive news out of the Trump White House - aside from many Corona tests of staff and Trump himself - the US can now look forward to a president who understands his role in the system, and who is willing to be guided by science, reality, and truth.
By Christian Lutkemeyer October 26, 2020
Pandemic Panic Vision 2020. US vs. US. A Government hollowed out, relying on a few acting officials not getting their act together. A President acting out. “I take full responsibility!--- It is not my fault.” A Virus out of control. Children in cages, so well taken care off. Parents lost. Losers! Soldiers sacrificed their lives. Losers! A President rounding the corner. Adding conservative Judges. Transforming the Justice Department into “Just His” Department. An investigation. A perfect call. Witch hunt! Which Hunter? Hunter Biden. I would like you to do us a favor. Roy Cohn on steroids turns into Bill Bar. Too much testing. The President is sick of testing. The President is sick. People get sick from testing. Stop the testing. The Virus is out of control. The President is in a bunker. The President listens to Fox News. Fox News listens to the President. A closed loop. Reality cannot enter. Reality is for idiots. Idiots believe in science. The President holds a Bible. Teargas. No! Pepper Spray. Definitions. Freedom! Free Michigan! No masks! The Virus is out of control. "Don’t let the Virus control your life!" You cannot breathe! The Virus ends your life. Loser! It is morning again in America. A child cries.
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