If you came here and are looking for the official Presidential Library of the 45th president please follow this
link. If you stay here I hope you have a good sense of
humor. I think a comedian once said that
for a good joke you must be willing to lose a friend. Well, that resonated with me. If you don't have a good sense of humor maybe you try Fox News? They used to be "Fair and Balanced", but have dropped that pretense. Otherwise please keep reading.
Despite being a
true conservative
myself I don't listen much to Fox (or better Faux) News.
to the US from Germany in 1999 after finishing my education with a PhD degree in electrical engineering. Having grown up in Germany, I have a different perspective on
publicly funded higher education
universal healthcare. These are hot topics that are discussed a lot in the debates for the next presidential candidate for the Democratic party. There is a lot of scaremongering about the cost of such a system, but other developed countries show that it is possible to provide good health care at a significantly lower cost than the exclusionary system in the US that leaves a lot of people uncovered.